

With Congress approval rating at 19% our Representatives in Washington should be trying to find ways to regain the peoples confidence and trust, instead of blaming the other political party for the low approval rating As your next representative I will be proposing E-Democracy an innovative program that has not been fully utilized in Congress. By using Digital Dialogues Congress could engage more citizens in the democratic process. Congress should take some much needed steps for understanding and engaging with online communities. A Digital Dialogue project uses online technologies to facilitate dialogue between central government and the public around real policy exercises. Making good information readily available to the public is key to the success of these interactions. The power of information is essential to quality democratic governance, making government more forthcoming with the wealth of data it has available.

Congress Should undertake a pilot of e-petitions; demonstrate that online petitions can be easy to manage, cheap and popular. I would propose parties work together on a trial program of an online petitions system for Congress, something. This is something I After voting, signing petitions is the most common form of political action. Examples from other Representative democracies believe would help in reinvigorate Representative Democracy.

Welcoming Congress online Consultation; Most importantly innovative technology will bring new voices into policy making. People need to feel that their participation is valued in order to regain the peoples confidence.